Posts in Life
Shortening the regulatory timeline will benefit patients and the economy

Despite ongoing challenges that have been made worse by the pandemic, Canadians have many reasons to be proud of our health systems. Our hospitals are among the best in the world. Our doctors, nurses, surgeons and specialists are dedicated professionals who consistently deliver the highest standards of care. Our universities produce ground-breaking research that supports and improves lives every day.

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Support for Indigenous and immigrant students

New bursaries are a critical step toward removing barriers for under-represented groups

While Douglas College has one of the most diverse student populations in British Columbia, a recent review of the post-secondary institution’s awards, bursaries and scholarships identified a gap in financial aid and motivated the creation of a campaign to raise funds to better support Indigenous and immigrant students.

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Flying in the face of a chronic disease and searching to improve the lives of Canadians suffering from IBD

When he was only eight years old, Andrew Mac Isaac was living in what he can only describe now, at the age of 26, as “hell.”

Severe stomach cramps, which meant a constant run to the washroom, 10 plus times a day, either to throw-up or because of diarrhea, left him in the fetal position on the floor.

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Severe cybersecurity talent gap creates vulnerabilities

As digital transformation sweeps through the Canadian economy, cyber threats are becoming more plentiful and sophisticated. The need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical, which is fuelling increased demand for professionals with cybersecurity expertise. This surging demand is running up against a tough reality – an acute shortage of trained cybersecurity professionals.

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Catalyzing success with the power of applied learning

When a local brewery encountered difficulties with filling craft beer into cans, a partner known for technical expertise and innovation came to mind: the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). There, a group of students in the mechanical engineering technology program got to work on designing a solution for automating the canning process.

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Advisory council ensures Indigenous voices are heard

Canadore College, headquartered in North Bay, Ontario, has a proven track record with innovative applied research specifically designed to meet the needs of industry. Now it’s about to expand on that reputation and move into the realm of delivering reliable and safe drinking water systems to Indigenous communities. As part of its Clean Water Initiative, Canadore is creating a Clean Water Learning Lodge on its College Drive Campus to develop a comprehensive platform of products, services and education programs. The outcomes will include programs tailored to the needs and values of First Nations, and will inspire Indigenous learners to take on fulfilling careers in water management.

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Navigating the management and HR challenges of a post-pandemic world

The last two years have produced a seismic shift in the economy, the labour market, and the values and structures underpinning our working lives. The COVID-19 pandemic destabilized many established workforce systems, and what has emerged out of these upheavals is a much different reality for employees and employers alike.

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Indigenous leadership

“For the Mamalilikulla First Nation, every day is Ocean Day,” says John Powell, chief councillor of the traditional land and waters of the Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala (Lull Bay/Hoeya Sound). “Every day is land day. Every day is sky day. Every day, we connect to our ancestors and the stories that bind us to the reason that we created an IPCA under our ancient traditional law of Aweenak’ola.”

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Building resilience in Canada’s health-care system

Health crises tend to reveal health inequities and health-care gaps. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, illustrated the need to make Canada’s health systems more resilient, find a way to efficiently mobilize and integrate new knowledge, and actively engage community partners, especially those representing marginalized and underserved populations.

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Leading fintech expert to lead process of building key pillars of new system

The federal government has taken another step towards establishing Canada’s open banking system, selecting an experienced fintech leader to lead development of a “made-in-Canada” regime.

The Department of Finance Canada has named Abraham Tachjian the open banking lead. Mr. Tachjian has extensive experience related to open banking in Canada and internationally, as well as expertise in digital banking and law.

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Work-life balance surpasses salary as top motivator for Canadian workers

Employers responding to shifting employee priorities and values

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple through all facets of Canadian life, including the economy, technology and social norms. Transformation has also been dramatic for Canadian workers in terms of where and how they work, as well as their values and motivators related to their employment.

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