Posts in Home
Advocating and promoting palliative care for all

Program to support caregivers with accessible education

As the already important role of caregivers becomes even more critical as Canada’s population ages, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) is launching Last Aid, a program to provide quality and accessible palliative care education to caregivers across the country.

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Charities and nonprofits change lives

Charities and nonprofits change lives

Creating a secretariat would enable the sector to be stronger and more effective

An Ipsos poll conducted for CanadaHelps last fall showed that nearly a quarter of Canadians – 9.6 million people – expected to call on charities to support their basic needs within the following six months, but even that high number may have under-estimated the actual demand on the charitable sector.

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‘Other ways of knowing and being’ that enrich our lives

When Xavier met Anna-Belle, his posture suggested he wasn’t ready for a relationship. His eyes obscured by sunglasses, his arms crossed, his skin hidden under extensive tattoos: all suggested he was unapproachable. Yet Anna-Belle was undeterred, and after a day and a half, Xavier (not his real name) considered her family.

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Strengthening agricultural systems through plant-breeding and tools for farmers

Farm productivity is subject to a complex web of conditions. On the economic side of the balance sheet, there are factors like supply chain woes, inflationary pressures and supply-and-demand imbalances. On the environmental side, there are the impacts of climate change, including severe and unseasonal weather events, and ever-evolving disease pressures.

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Bolstering Canada’s legacy as a forestry leader

When it comes to stabilizing our climate, few solutions can match the powerful potential of forests. Beyond helping to regulate ecosystems and protecting biodiversity, forests play a key role in the carbon cycle. Globally, approximately 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide – one-third of the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels – are absorbed by forests every year, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

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